Automated Lead Prospecting for a Marketing Agency

AI Automation


The client, a marketing agency, sought to automate their manual lead prospecting process. They traditionally searched job portals for companies hiring marketing personnel, filtered these companies based on salary offerings, number of employees, and good references or ratings, then manually searched LinkedIn for contacts to send messages. Our solution automated this entire process, significantly improving efficiency and accuracy.

Technologies Used

  • Octoparse: Powerful web scraping tool for data extraction.
  • Make: Integration platform for automating workflows and connecting various tools.
  • ChatGPT: Advanced AI for data filtering and analysis.
  • Google Sheets: Organized storage and easy access to data.
  • Gmail: Efficient communication with leads.
  • Apollo: Lead generation and outreach platform.
  • Notion: CRM system for managing lead interactions and follow-ups.

System Architecture

The architecture of the automated lead prospecting system included the following components:

Core Components:

  1. Web Scraping Tools: Octoparse for extracting data from job portals.
  2. Automation Platform: Make for integrating and automating the workflow.
  3. Data Processing: ChatGPT for filtering and analyzing the extracted data.
  4. Spreadsheet Management: Google Sheets for organizing and storing data.
  5. Email Communication: Gmail for sending automated emails to leads.
  6. Lead Generation: Apollo for finding and contacting potential leads.
  7. CRM System: Notion for managing and tracking interactions with prospects.


The client, a marketing agency, faced a time-consuming and inefficient manual lead prospecting process. They had to search job portals, filter companies based on specific criteria, and manually search LinkedIn for contacts. This process was not only labor-intensive but also prone to errors and inconsistencies.


Ingenia Projects automated the entire lead prospecting process. We utilized web scraping tools to extract data from job portals, then used Make and ChatGPT to filter the data according to the client’s criteria. Apollo and Notion were integrated for lead management and follow-up, creating a seamless, end-to-end automated workflow.

Key Features

Web Scraping and Data Extraction

We utilized web scraping tools to extract data from job portals, identifying companies actively seeking marketing professionals. The extracted data included company names, job postings, salary ranges, and ratings.

Data Filtering and Integration

Using Make and ChatGPT, we automated the filtering of this data, selecting companies that matched the agency’s criteria. This step ensured that only the most relevant leads were pursued, saving time and effort.

Lead Management and Follow-Up

To manage and track the leads, we integrated Apollo and Notion into the workflow. Apollo was used for finding and contacting potential leads, while Notion served as a CRM to follow up and manage interactions with prospects.

Seamless Workflow Automation

The entire process was integrated using Make, Octoparse, ChatGPT, Google Sheets, Gmail, Apollo, and Notion. This comprehensive automation streamlined the lead prospecting process, from data extraction to contact management.


  • Increased Efficiency: Automation significantly reduced the time spent on manual lead prospecting.
  • Higher Accuracy: Automated data filtering ensured only the most relevant leads were pursued.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Seamless integration of tools provided a cohesive and efficient workflow.
  • Improved Lead Management: Enhanced tracking and follow-up capabilities through an integrated CRM system.


The automated lead prospecting solution we developed for the marketing agency showcases Ingenia Projects’ ability to deliver customized automation solutions that drive efficiency and improve business operations. Our expertise in integrating advanced technologies ensures that we can develop similar systems tailored to your specific needs. Partner with Ingenia Projects to transform your business processes with innovative automation solutions.

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At Ingenia Projects, we specialize in AI automation, business intelligence, and software development, helping businesses innovate and thrive in a competitive landscape. Our team is dedicated to delivering customized, cutting-edge solutions that drive efficiency and growth.

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